
FOCUS... One of the Biggest Issues For WAHMs!

ok ladies... this is one of those SBS posts. (Short-But-Sweet)
 Personally this is one of THE hardest things for ME to maintain while working from/at home.
 & How bout you? - Anyone else out there feel the same way...??
*And my daughter is grown and out on her own now*,
Sooo, I can only imagine just how tremendously hard it actually is for all you Ladies out there with the little-ones still running around.
Ahh, but never fear... cause snookiecollins is here!
This article from 'THE' zen-master of simplicity himself, (Mr. Leo as I call him) will help you in numerous ways.
So, Read-On my fair ladies.... Read-On!
(oh and p.s. have a wonderfully glorious & productive week)

Click on the LINK Below to read this Fab article -->

 » a simple system for getting amazing things done :focus 


Here are the 8 Types of Posts That Will Get You MAXIMUM Comments!!

ok. It is VERY late, I'm exhausted and I was just getting ready to shut-down the computer and hit the ole' hay...
When I-spied this article and just had to post it for one of my newest blogging buddies.
(She knows who she is - lol)

So this post is dedicated to Ms.Cottage Cutie and No... that is not her real name, errr her blogging name either.
*Although she is pretty darn CUTE!* woot-woot.

ok kiddies, I'm off to la-la land, or is it neepy-bye shut-eye. ??
SEE, I tole ya I was exhausted, uh yeh exhausted AND now freakin Delirious - ha!

well as always, Love & Blessings my darlings...
Sleep tight and don't let the Cupcakes bite.

So Click on the LINK below to go to that fabulous, very informative & extremely helpful article -->

The 8 Types of Posts That Get Maximum Comments